Educational Mobility and the Role of UMAP in the Asia-Pacific Region
In 1991, leaders of governments and universities from the Asia-Pacific Region got together to establish a new international network called “University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific" (UMAP). Since then UMAP has been promoting the mobility of university students and staff members in the region over the past 25 years. UMAP (pronounced “you-map”) is a voluntary association of government and non-government representatives of the higher education (university) sector in the Asia-Pacific region. It has been administering its own student exchanges and promoting research collaboration through the funding of selected projects. In January 2016, Toyo University in Tokyo began a five-year term as International Secretariat of UMAP. While we are pleased with the contributions that UMAP has made to promoting student mobility in Asia for the last 25 years, there is still critical work to be done in order for us to achieve our goal of becoming an ‘Asian Erasmus’. In this article I would like to give an overview of current UMAP activities and outline our future agenda.