Bologna Process and the Business Schools
The paper looks at the implementation of the Bologna process from the point of view of the university business school and at the impact Bologna has had on the discipline. The paper provides a brief overview of the development of business and management as a discipline, outlining how the specificities of the discipline affect the realisation of the cycle structure, how they influence the content of curricula and what issues there are relating to external quality assurance. Implementing the Bologna reforms requires action not only on the European level but also and increasingly on national and especially institutional levels. In order to evaluate and support the implementation, one must appreciate the particularities of the different disciplines and their influence, especially when looking at curricula reforms and implementation of student-centred learning. Business degrees have their own history and a strong brand, which affects reforms especially when it comes to content. A strong brand can be a blessing in a sense that students and employers more or less know what the degree contains. But a strong brand can also limit developing the content of curricula. Characteristic to the discipline is also the strong presence of international accreditation agencies, which complement the evaluations of the agencies on the national level or the ones listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). |