As Dead as a Dodo?
Student Fees in Germany
The development is crystal clear: in 2007, students from seven of the 16 German federal states (“Länder”) were required to pay tuition fees. Since then, one federal state after another has abolished these general enrolment fees. Thus, 2014 goes down as the year in which student fees in Germany were ultimately done away with. The introduction of tuition fees in Germany was one of the most momentous (and controversial) reforms in recent decades. Why did student fees fail in Germany? Are they as dead as a dodo or can new life be breathed into them? As the abolition of tuition fees appears to be secured for the time being or might even be irrevocable, the authors working at the CHE (Centre of Higher Education, Germany) take opportunity to test whether the CHE’s long-time position regarding student fees withstands the current state of research. First of all, this article describes the opportunities and risks surrounding tuition fees. It then goes on to evaluate how the introduction of student fees in Germany was experienced. By outlining both the positive and negative effects, it analyses whether or not study fees in Germany proved their worth. In conclusion, different scenarios for the future are presented and assessed.