Health professionals, global citizenship and its relevance to employability
speech-language pathology, nursing and midwifery
It has been argued that by developing global citizenship,
that health professionals will be able to work with cli-
ents and colleagues locally or internationally. This con-
ceptual and qualitative exploratory paper will consider
the relevance of GC with respect to nursing, midwifery,
and speech-language pathology. While there is an in-
creasing understanding of GC education, there is limited
literature about its long-term outcomes of or its impact
on employability and its bene ts for future professional
practice. The required experience to obtain these capa-
bilities via study abroad programs also requires further
exploration, as does the long-term impact on employa-
bility and capability for health professionals.
Health professionals, global citizenship;
employability; Speech-language pathology; nursing; midwifery.