The Role of Higher Education in Fostering Civic Values
Students graduating from higher education institutions increasingly find themselves in a dynamic and global landscape that requires diverse skill sets and competencies for further education or career placements. The need for cultural awareness, practical training and experiential learning in the university setting is important, not only for developing these competencies but also for shaping global citizenship. Regarding global citizenship, it is significant to be mindful of the fact that a) it involves fostering civic values that transcend traditional borders, and b) there is an intentional educational process that must take place to develop these values. There are many long-standing assumptions about how global citizenship transpires with young people, with international education often driving the discussion. This article examines the assumptions and key features of global citizenship,exploring methods and lessons learned of programmes that have deliberately incorporated a ‘global civic values’ pedagogy within the experiential learning context, both in and outside of the classroom, the advantages of these models, and the sustainability and future impact.